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Royal Roads Design Thinking

Comic Book Business Case: An experiential learning activity to build your creative confidence

Mar 6 | 12:00 PM

Location: Zoom Room 2

Flex your divergent and convergent thinking muscles in this 20-minute interactive session. Discover and sample a design and creative thinking tool offered to undergraduate and graduate students that guides them to practice analysis, synthesis, and storytelling skills. The Comic Book Business Case introduces students to a business case study and requires them to analyze and then communicate their understanding of the case as a comic book ‘page’ or strip. Students are required to think critically about the company, characters, and context, and then visually convey the key case elements and communicate a recommendation creatively. Based on the 3-act storytelling framework, this session will be co-facilitated by Anjana Dattani, Learning Experience Designer at the Business Design Initiative and Dr. Angèle Beausoleil, academic director of the Business Design Initiative at the Rotman School of Management.

Session Speakers:

Dr. Angèle Beausoleil

Academic director of the Business Design Initiative,
Rotman School of Management.

Anjana Dattani

Learning Experience Designer,
Business Design Initiative