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Royal Roads Design Thinking

Dr. Angèle Beausoleil

Dr. Angèle Beausoleil is the professor of Business Design and Innovation, and academic director of the Business Design Initiative, at the Rotman School of Management. She completed her PhD in design-mediated innovation at the University of British Columbia, after spending 25 years designing services, products and innovation processes inside large and small organizations. A recovering entrepreneur, former strategist and innovation executive, she has worked with Fortune 500 companies to creatively solve problems. She now teaches executives, MBAs and undergrads design-driven innovation and leads research on innovative leadership. Angèle is a visiting lecturer at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and just launched her first textbook “Business Design Thinking and Doing: Frameworks, Strategies and Techniques for Sustainable Innovation”.

Topic: Teaching Design to Non-designers: How One Business School is Transforming Learners into Leaders.

Angele's picture